Friday, 8 April 2011

Friday 8th April

Evaluation question 4.How did you use new media technologies in the construstion and research, planning and evaluation?

Basic script of what i said in my video;
In the research of my newspaper, technology wasn’t really a great deal of use to me. The only time I used it was to go on local newspapers webpages for example the news. In the construction of my project however I used technology a lot, firstly I created my blog then used a digital camera, I uploaded the photos I had taken on to flikr and linked this to my blog. After doing this I then created flat plans of my paper on InDesign , once my flat plans were created I then used InDesign to create my front page and inside page. Throughout the creation of my newspaper I kept on updating my blog, so was constantly using technology. After this stage was finished I then went on to create my poster, again using InDesign, which seemed to be a key tool of my process. When I had completed these I used a program called iweb, this enabled be to create my webpage, this I found to be very useful and surprisingly easy. When the construction part of my coursework process was done I then moved on to the evaluation. The new media technologies I used in this were a programme called prezi, this website enabled me to create an interactive presentation to answer my first question. After this I then did a power point presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint, this power point presentation along with everything else can be seen on my blog. After doing this, to answer question 3. I used Microsoft word to create my audience feedback questionnaire this I printed off and also made a screen grab of which I inserted into my blog. After this I then decided to create a video using a program called life frame on my laptop which I intend to upload onto flikr and insert into my blog.

so to conclude the list of new media technologies that I have used they are as follows; google, the news website, blogger, flikr, indesign , iweb, prezi, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft word and life frame.

Friday 8th April

Evaluation question 3.
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
When it came to audience feedback, I decided to conduct a questionnaire. I printed off copies of my newspaper cover, page2, poster and both pages of my webpage for analysis. I asked six questions, the first 5 being yes or no answers and the last being and open ended question. These questions were;
1)            Do you feel that the front page and inside page of my newspaper look authentic and real?
2)           Do you feel that the poster promotes the paper well, to make you want to subscribe?
3)           Do you feel that the website and sports page look authentic and real?
4)           Do feel that the design of the whole project flows well together?
5)           If this were a real local paper would you purchase it?
6)          Are there any comments you would like to make, which you feel would better my paper?

After retrieving all of my questionnaires back, it seemed as though my product was good in the eyes of the public. The majority of people answered yes to the first five questions and those who put no, gave me hints and tips as to why they answered this way. The main area that I felt I didn’t do so well on was people’s answers for question 2 regarding my poster. Even though only 3 out of the 15 people I asked answered no for this question, it was the only area which was lacking 100% perfection. From this I decided to change the colour and image of my poster to look more bright and eye-catching, after this I then got a few people to re-evaluate my poster , the answers I then retrieved I was much happier with.
As for question 6, my open question one person suggested that I should have made my story on page 2 my main headline, after some consideration and limited access to other pictures and apple mac software I decided against this move, due to  the little time I had remaining. Making this choice I feel was the right decision as I feel that the story fit well within the second page. One more comment was made on question 6 regarding my poster for my paper, this statement was

“ Even though you have shown a possible reward for subscribing, you should also include other incentives like reduced daily prices or free door to door delivery”
Again, even though this comment was valid, I did not make any changes to my poster  as the whole imagery and idea of the poster was to promote a competition for a Paris trip.. not what other goodies you would get for subscribing, if this information were going to be anywhere it would be on my webpage under subscription, but I wasn’t making a link for this page.
All in all, even though I did not take the advice given to me in question six, I still found these questionnaires helpful, and knowing now that other people think my paper and other parts of my coursework look real and authentic  makes me feel more confident that what I have done is of a good standard, as I have tried my best to produce a good piece of coursework.

Friday 8th April

Question 2 of Evaluation.
Howw effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Friday 8th April

Evaluation question 1.
In what ways does my newspaper use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Friday 8th April

Final Poster.

Friday 8th April

Final website

Friday 8th April

Final Newspaper front cover and inside page.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Thursday 7th April

Today i tweaked my newspaper websites home page and completed my sports page as my linking site. Unfortunatly when it came to re-publishing my site i encountered problems, after speaking to many lectureurs and IT technitians i was able to publish my site, unfortunatly some elements of the page have changed, for example some text being underlined when it is not supposed to be and other text going different colours. Screen grabs of this site are featured to the left and right

Monday, 4 April 2011

Monday 4th April

In this lesson i inserted the final image onto my front page, which then allowed me to complete my poster. The photos i have taken can be seen on my flickr page previously mentioned,
Now that my front page, inside page and poster is done i will now move on to my webpage. Here is my newspaper material as it stands; 

Now that i am hapy with my newspaper and poster i have gone on to create my webpage. After staying at college for an extra hour or two i have began to understand how to use iweb, and have started the first steps of my website creation.
Today i have managed to finish my home page, and will work throughout the week on my linking sports page.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Monday 24th March

In this lesson i also altered my poster, so that it is ready to just have the front page screen grab put in. Now all i have to do is sort out an image for my front page, and start my webpage. Here is the latest version of my poster;

Monday 24th March

In this lesson i finished my inside page, i completed my story and inserted my image. Now that this is done all i have to do is put my main image on my front page and use the screen shots to complete my poster. When my photos are in place and poster is underway i can look at creating my webpage. Here is how my inside page now looks, being completed;

The stories which i have written may be hard to read so here is what they say;

Man still missing on family holiday
Two days ago it was reported to Italian police that Lee Broad, 25, pictured to the right, had not been seen for over 72 hours. Five days on, the search for Lee still goes on in Italy’s capital city of Rome. Very few   eye witness reports have come forward with any possible leads on this case, The Daily Press got this statement from Italian Police “ We are still not quite sure on Lees whereabouts, but we can assure the public and members of Lee’s family that we are doing our very best to find any leads.” Steve Broad, Lee’s father originally made Italian police aware of him going missing on Monday after lee hadn’t come home from a night out on Friday 3rd November. His family have now extended their stay in Rome, to help Italian police as much as possible. The Daily Press got this statement from Lee’s girlfriend of 5years “This isn’t in Lee’s nature, he would never go off anywhere without telling someone where he was going, he always stays in contact. Lee isn’t the type of person to start or cause trouble, him being   missing is completely tearing my heart out.” Lee was thought to have last been seen on Saturday 4th November around 2:30am, this information was taken from CCTV overlooking a near by cash point. Since Lee’s story was first featured in The Daily Press, his mother Paula Broad will not rest until she finds her son, she has recently set up social networking sights, done press calls, been on local and Italian news as well as sticking up numerous posters around the cities capital. As the search goes on into day 6, the worrying lack of evidence and eyewitness reports is really starting to take hold of the Broad family. Portsmouth police have said that the lack of evidence is very odd, and aim to join Italian police in the search.

Charity worker set to climb Everest
In May 2011, Diana smith 36 is set to climb Mount Everest for her chosen local charity The MS Society. Diana has been working as a part time volunteer at The MS Society, North End for over 20 years and has done many different things to raise money for charity in the past. Diana’s proud husband Mark, a long term sufferer of Multiple Sclerosis has said to us at the Daily Press “ I am so proud of my darling wife, she has done so many amazing things for charity and is a beautiful person” Diana will be tackling the mountain in May and hopes to raise over 10,000.

Register for school now
Parents  are being urged to register their children now if they are due to start school or move into a primary or secondary school in September 2011. Hampshire County council says applications for children  transfurring to secondary school  in September 2011 need to be completed and returned by, October 31. Parents with a child due to start primary school in september 2011, can apply now or any time before the closing date of midnight on Saturday, March 15th, 2011.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Monday 14th march

In todays lesson i worked on the story for my inside page. I did intend to insert my images onto both pages today by due to technical issues this was no possible.  Until i have managed to put my photos on i can not continue with my poster or web page due to the screen shots of my completed paper not being avaliable. This is how my paper looks at present;

Monday, 28 February 2011

monday 28th February

In this lesson i also started to create my poster, i researched examples and also looked at the past examples done by students in the past. I have decided that i will do a promotional poster about a subscription to my paper. This is what my poster looks like now..

Monday 28th February

In this lesson i finished my small stories and weather forecast, my second page is nearly finished all that is left to do is add a photo and main story text. I have included the newspaper name and date in the top right hand side of my page and also included a page number in the bottom left.  Here is the latest screen grab of my inside page;

Friday, 18 February 2011

Monday 14th February

In this lesson i carried on creating my inside page. I have finished the top section and side weather section, and am now moving to to writing the small stories on the right hand side and the main story in the middle. I will work on getting pictures over the half term for my inside pages and insert them when I get back.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Monday 7th February

In this lesson time i was able to start my inside page. I took inspiration from The News, to create a authentic looking second page to my paper. I did the banner at the top of the page and started the weather info on the left hand side. You can see a larger image of my progression if you click on my screen grab. When starting to create my page 2, it was important for me that i followed the same colour scheme, font and style as my front page, to create a flow between all of my material.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Monday 24th January

Knowing that i am going to do a section on weather i have researched weather symbols, In most commercial papers weather is represented with images, as they are an easy way to understand the weather for the reader. Below are some of the main weather images i intend to use.

Monday 24th January

In todays lesson, I have created a flat plan for the layout of my inside page. I have looked at examples of inside stories from other papers such as The News and The Sun, and based my layout upon these. I have also brainstormed a few story and photo ideas which i can include in my news article such as;

  • Local lotto winners
  • Article on M.S. (multipul sclerosis) and new medical break throughs
  • Article on students in local area
  • Article on Snow and how it has effected Britain.
The layout of my inside page can be seen in the screen grab featured.

Monday 17th January

After coming back after half term and looking at my newspaper, i have decided to altar it. This lesson i have changed my master head, fonts and some colours involved in my front page for a better visual effect, to make my paper look more authentic, As i felt it did not look like a real news paper. These changes can be seen on my latest screen grab shown to the right. I have still kept the website and edition in my master head, and the colour but have changed the font and the symmetry of the whole top of my paper. I have also changed the xfactor story from being in red to normal black and white as i felt that it stood out too much an drew the attention away from the main story. Because of the colour changes happening throughout my mast head and side story i had to change the shade of blue used in the jobs advertisement, the more pastel colours used the more everything blends together well and doesn't bring any attention away from the main story, picture and headline. I have still yet to find appropriate images which i would feel happy using as a front page picture, but will carry on working on all parts of my coursework without the main image for now.