Monday 22 November 2010

Monday 22nd November 2010

In today's lesson i have been working  on creating my master head for my paper. Even though i had already chosen my font, in creating my master head i came to realise that my chosen font was not a good idea as it looked too rough for a respectable local news paper. So i then came to realise i needed something less bold and more modern and clean cut. I still am going to go for the same colour, as i feel black is bold and stands out more infront of competitors, as other newspapers are mainly in grey, blue, white or red. Here is a diagram to show the change in fonts from old to new;

Monday 15th November 2010

In this lesson i looked at the advertisements seen on the bottom of local news papers. I decided to create my own using InDesign. I chose to do an advert on the Pyramids swimming centre as it is within the local area and would be a good advertisement to put on my front page with half term approaching. Here is my advertisment;
I took the Pyramids logo from their web page and created an advert around its style using the greens and blues featured in their logo, to make it look like a real advertisement. In other local papers i have looked at, all of the front page adverts seem to be big and bold, using large shapes and bold colour, so i tried to imitate  this in my advertisement. Here is another advertisment that i used as research into design and layout;

Monday 8 November 2010

8th November

In today's lesson knowing that i had my font and title figure out i focused on the layout of my news paper, thinking about what and where i am going to position everything that i have to include. I used The News as my inspiration, and looked at past and present copies to see what layout i felt best suited my newspaper. I then produced a flat plan of how i hope the layout of my newspaper will look. To the right is a copy of my flat plan based upon the generic paper layout.

Monday 1 November 2010

1st November 2010

In this lesson i played around with fonts, i looked at fonts that would seem masculine and femanine. Masculine text i feel would represent the news as a whole where as femanine text, which is more modern and flowy i felt would represent more local happenings ans the 'nice stories'. My aim was to get a font inbetween so that my paper could reach all ages and genres. I finally settled on a font ''Vtks good luck for you''  and started playing around with colour, as you will find that news papers like the news and the sun have main colours throughout their papers, being red and blue. I thought about different colours and what they represent, green was a prominant idea of mine as i thought this would work well with the current ecological crises which is in the worlds media at present, but after some thought i felt that an eco news would not be as popular as a normal basic newspaper with bold colours and fonts. So for now settled on a bold black and will use other colours throught the paper to highlight key areas. The picture to the right is a screen shot of the font work i did, it can be enlarged to become clearer if you click on it.

18th October 2010

In this lesson I looked at different papers for ideas and themes for my own design and stories. I looked at the layout of local news papers and their websites so i could create ideas of my own. I took possible front cover and inside photos over the weekend, and came up with a name for my paper.. ''Daily Press''. I spoke with my lecturer about the style of my paper and target audience and have decided from this that I want to do a normal traditional local paper, modern and basic. Over the half term I aim to take more photos to generate a good front cover and inside page.

What is the inverted Triangle?

The inverted pyramid is a metaphor used by journalists and other writers to illustrate the placing of the most important information first within a text. It is a common method for writing news stories and is widely taught to journalism students. The "inverted" or upside-down "pyramid" can be thought of as a simple triangle with one side drawn horizontally at the top and the body pointing down. The widest part at the top represents the most substantial, interesting, and important information the writer means to convey, illustrating that this kind of material should head the article, while the tapering lower portion illustrates that other material should follow in order of diminishing importance. It is sometimes called a "summary news lead" style.

What is Ethos?

Ethos is related to the English word ethics and refers to the trustworthiness of the speaker/writer.  Ethos is an effective persuasive strategy because when we believe that the speaker does not intend to do us harm, we are more willing to listen to what s/he has to say.  For example, when a trusted doctor gives you advice, you may not understand all of the medical reasoning behind the advice, but you nonetheless follow the directions because you believe that the doctor knows what s/he is talking about. Ethos is when these key attributes are used;
Language appropriate to audience and subject
Restrained, sincere, fair minded presentation
Appropriate level of vocabulary
Correct grammar.
So in news papers an example of ethos would be when the journalist writes a story in  a paper and expects you the public, to believe what ever is said and take it as news because it is human instingt to have trust in news papers as they are seen as a factual source of information in all studied and lifestyles.